
Let me tell you a little about myself. I grew up in the Willamette Valley of Oregon (Portland, Milwaukee, Oregon City and Aurora) in a non-Christian home. Nonetheless, God led me though a troubled adolescence and brought me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as a junior in High School (1986). Upon graduation I attended Trinity College in Deerfield, Illinois. It was at Trinity that fell in love with my wonderful wife Karen, and further honed my calling to ministry.
Upon graduation from Trinity (1991) I began attending Gordon-Conwell Theological seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Also, at this time I began serving as a seminary intern at Park Street Church Boston, MA. While serving here I had the opportunity to spend four years as assistant to the Senior Minister.
Upon completion of my Master of Divinity degree (1996) I took on a small church in Suburban Chicago, and had my gifts further tested and sharpened as a solo pastor. While my tenure there was short (2 years) I learned much and thank God for the experience and life lessons I learned in this time. By God’s grace, He then led me to pastor Lycoming Centre Presbyterian Church in North Central Pennsylvania (1998). Through my nearly twelve year pastorate I continued to grow personally and professionally, becoming more and more convinced in the power of the gospel to change people’s lives. In 2010 God led me to Union Presbyterian Church in Robinson, PA where I recently served as the Lead Pastor.
Along the way, I completed a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA (2007). My dissertation was focused on congregational renewal, and in particular, how to develop and implement strategies for renewal and revitalization.
My wife, Karen, and I also have been blessed with two beautiful and talented daughters, Olivia and Lily. They are all grown up now, off at college, leaving us with an empty nest.
In all honesty, all the above facts and figures — while important — don’t really tell you who I am and what excites me about serving Christ’s church. The fact is, I am a pretty normal guy who adores his family and loves Christ’s Church. I’m a follower of Christ who has been given the call and gift for ministry and leadership in Christ’s Church — the Church which I believe is the primary agent of change in the world. Like the rest of you, I’m not perfect, but I know the One who is and who chooses to love and believe in us anyway and wants us to live in the reality and joy of His presence. I believe that we are stronger than we could ever be apart, and that God has plans for us to change our world with His gospel. That is why I am a pastor in the first place and excited to be one at this particular time in history. Our God loves to bless us as His covenant people and he will be forever faithful.

Renny brings a vast array of experience to the Church of the Covenant. He has worked in 1800 and 2500 member churches in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia; he has worked in 850 and 365 and 172 member churches in Iowa and Western PA. Before centering his ministry here in Washington he spent 10 years as Pastor at the 1st Christian/Disciples of Christ Church in Greensburg, PA. He then spent 2 1⁄2 years assisting two outlying churches in Washington Presbytery to become a yoked parish, sharing one full-time pastor.
Long ago Renny was a high school Club Director for Washington County Youth For Christ/Campus Life. He loved Bible quizzing at YFC! His call to ministry came while he was attending Duke University in North Carolina. He attended Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia for his Masters (equiv.) and Doctorate.
“Jesus is the most important thing in my life. I love my wife, I adore my children, I am comfortable in my job, and I appreciate all the things that go together to make up who I am. Yet each of these would be meaningless without Jesus in my life. Jesus came to reveal the personality of God to us, and through Jesus we can get the most complete understanding that humanity can receive of who God is. 'Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!' How blessed by God are we that we have Jesus to guide us through each day of our life.”

The job of Church Administrator is a wonderful way to serve the congregation, the church and the Lord! What a blessing it is to work in a church and begin each day walking into this beautiful building! Dental Hygiene was my first profession, but my passion for the church and desire to serve are the credentials that brought me to this office. My responsibilities are many and varied, but I feel that communication is at the top of the list.
As a lifelong member I am proud to have raised my family here. My wonderful husband Anthony and I are the parents of three amazing young adults, Abbi, Vincent and Jacob. We have been blessed beyond words.

I have been involved in children and youth ministry for over 20 years in different capacities and my most recent education is a Youth Ministry Certification from Point Loma University. I love watching children and teens discover God’s love for them. I have witnessed their lives be transformed through study, service and mission.
My ministry has included many mission trips working with Habitat for Humanity in Key West, Fl., Impact Ministries in South Carolina, Group Work Camps and more. I love to create new programs to help kids and families engage with the church. Some of my success has included a Bible adventure summer camp for middle schoolers, an after school Bible program, Winter Bible School and more. I strive to make evangelism modern and relevant to today’s culture.
I value family time with my husband, Yone, and sons, Jeremy age 29, Jackson 28, and Isaiah 17. I also enjoy many hobbies like painting, baking and Scuba diving.

The Director of Music Ministries at The Church of the Covenant oversees all music programs at the church. These include The Covenant Choir, the adult choir; Teens For Christ, the choir for ages 13 and up; The Covenant Kids’ Choir, for children ages 4 to 12; The Jubilate Ringers, the adult bell ringers; and, The Covenant Ringers, the teenage bell ringers.

My ministry is to take care of the facilities of the church. This responsibility includes the church building, as well as the ministry houses and rental properties associated with it. I have been employed since August 1999, and look forward to serving the church for much longer. My wife Janet and I have been married since 1982 and have two wonderful children, Jillian and Sam. My door is always open and together I pray that we will grow this church and reach the world for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.