
At The Church of the Covenant we participate in Christ’s ministry in the local community and throughout the world. We continue to discern new opportunities for us to share God’s love. If you have any questions, please contact the church office 724-222-0190
As noted we also have coordinators for most activities and we encourage you to contact them directly. We invite anyone to join with us in the following mission areas:
Local Community Missions
Washington Christian Outreach: The second Thursday of every month we work at WCO from 9 AM until noon cooking and serving food as well as assisting with the provision of clothing and other items to those who need assistance. Please contact Chuck Neff at 724-225-7649 for further information.
Blessings in a Backpack: In partnership with WCO we are one of the main groups involved with this new program beginning in September 2011. We will meet at the Washington Park school and pack food for children to take home for the weekend. For many children in the Washington School District, this may be the only food they have for Saturday and Sunday. Please contact Helen Haines @ 724-222-0190 x112 (speak with Debi for info) to join in this new, ongoing project.
Love in a Basket: In partnership with Laboratory Presbyterian, we collect baby supplies such as diapers for baskets provided to new born mothers. Supplies may be dropped off at the church office.
Community Circle Food Pantry: DEACONS PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS DRIVE. We need your donations of toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, soap and shampoo, razors, toilet paper, facial tissue, baby powder, baby wipes, and baby shampoo. This is a ministry that is simple and effective. Please help us with donations. A gray receptacle is located in the Commons and we make deliveries twice per month. Thanks, Bill Wilson, Deacon Coordinator.

Mission Emphasis Weekend
The first weekend of October is our annual Reach-Out Weekend. We coordinate this effort with World Communion Sunday. We need many volunteers to share the Good News of Jesus with our neighbors.
Please Contact Us if you are interested in donating or helping any of our causes.
For a full list of missions that the Church of the Covenant supports,
please view our Mission Directory.